Blessing of the Marian Grotto

Praise the Lord! On 23rd December, 2021 the Marian Grotto was blessed by our school Supervisor, Rev. Pierre Lam Minh, MEP.   A very large number of CMS’ members were present at the ceremony. The Grotto and the statue of Our Lady are situated in the school garden, alongside a beautiful modern sculpture which holds plants and flowers. This modern sculpture has many layers of shelves upon which flowers and plants are placed. The statue of Our Lady was purchased from Italy.

May Holy Mary, Patron Saint, keep watch over our school and bring peace of our hearts.

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今年安排了3個海灘和規劃了3條遠足徑作為目的地。 小一至小三同學分別前往舂磡角泳灘、大浪灣及石澳泳灘,而小四至小六同學則在香港仔水塘、大潭水塘及山頂進行遠足活動。


The school outdoor learning activity was held on 19th November, 2021 (Friday) with about 900 participants including teachers, students, parents and hiking coaches attending the activity. Students enjoyed a lot in the nature and had a great time that day!

This year there were 3 beaches and 3 hiking trails as the venue planned for different levels. P1-P3 were going Chung Hom Kok Beach, Big Wave Bay and Shek O Beach respectively while P4-P6 were having hiking activities in Aberdeen reservoir, Tai Tam reservoir and the Peak.

      For junior levels going to the beach were having class team building activities and International Coastal Cleanup Hong Kong 2021. Students enjoyed a lot in the team building games and also very involved in the cleanup activity. For Senior levels students, with the accompany and supervision by professional instructors and teachers, they learnt much about the local biodiversity, geology, culture preservation, international environment preservation and the importance of protecting the environment.


Read more: Outdoor Learning Activity 戶外學習日

Praise God in his holy sanctuary; give praise in the mighty dome of heaven.

Give praise for his mighty deeds, praise him for his great majesty.


Give praise with blasts upon the horn, praise him with harp and lyre.

Give praise with tambourines and dance, praise him with flutes and strings.

Give praise with crashing cymbals, praise him with sounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath give praise to the LORD! Hallelujah!

(Psalm 詠150:1-5)

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Read more: 2021 Hong Kong Hymnos Festival 2021 香港聖詠節


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